Adapting an Assessment

You will adapt an assessment so that it benefits and supports the learning and achievement of a student with special needs. (8th grade Elementary Algebra)
To prepare for this assignment:
Choose an assessment you have already used with your students and brainstorm ideas for how to adapt the assessment for a student with special needs
Select three or more of your ideas for adaptations to the assessment and formulate a rationale for the changes you have made. In particular, focus on how the accommodations will help the student more accurately demonstrate progress toward the intended learning outcomes.
Be sure to consider one or more ways you will address each of the following: preparing the student before the test, providing support during the test, and communicating results after the test
Also consider technologies that might help students bypass their disability and more accurately demonstrate their progress toward the outcomes being measured
With these thoughts in mind, write a report that provides the following:
A brief description of the original assessment
A description of the revised assessment, that includes three or more adaptations for a student with special needs
Your rationale for the changes you made to the assessment. In other words, why would a student with special needs benefit from the supports you describe?
An explanation about how you will address each of the following: preparing the student before the test, providing support during the test, and communicating results after the test
A list of any technologies that might help students  their disability and more accurately demonstrate their progress toward the outcomes being measured
1. Friend, M., & Bursuck, W. D. (2009). Including students with special needs: A practical guide for classroom teachers (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Chapter 11, “Evaluating Student Learning”
2. Article: Rieck, W., & Wadsworth, D. (2005). Assessment accommodations: Helping students with exceptional learning needs. Intervention in School & Clinic, 41(2), 105-109.

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