Rank the following battles in order of importance and justify the ranking: Antietam, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg



Running Head: Antietam, Gettysburg and Vicksburg Civil Wars





Antietam, Gettysburg and Vicksburg Civil Wars


Throughout history, important battles have occurred whose significance has been immense to the sides involved. When a battle takes place, there are a myriad of repercussions that definitely befall the groups in the antagonism. Thus battles have significant impacts not only to the soldiers who are involved in the battle but also the community at large. Various battles have occurred in history whose magnitude and intensity varies from one battle to another. However, the underlying importance of these wars can be best determined by the eventual outcome and the extent to which each group’s objectives were achieved. Determining the significance of a war is in a way a tasking activity. Nevertheless, paying a blind eye to the atrocious effects that are prevalent in any given war, we can try to find the level of relevance if comparisons are done for different wars.

The Ranks

The fundamental concept of ranking wars according to the level of significance can be attributed to the fact that every warring side has an objective which prompts it to engage in the war. For the full attainment of the objectives, the groups may have to go through a series of sacrificial battles. The battles eventually determine their fate in the aftermath of the wars.  In the history of the American Civil wars, there was an element of major struggle with the rebels. The various wars had significant meaning to the final recognition of the United States as a sovereign nation capable of defending and advancing its territorial interests[1]. The advent of the civil wars was a critical element as the nation was able to chart its future prospects and attain full settlement in own rightfully acquired grounds. There can never be peace without concerted efforts to achieve it. The key element in the attainment of individual freedom is through the ability to show bravery in the face of circumstances that are working against the final attainment of that peace.

An all-round and multi-inclusive series of civil wars that the United States went through reveals a great deal of total sub-ordination of egocentric needs at the expense of the interests of the nation.  Such is the devotion and self denial that the soldiers portrayed in the series of the civil wars that went on almost at the same time. Antietam, Gettysburg and Vicksburg are battles that took place almost at the same time whose implications in the American people are immense. The three major battles had lasting implications to the society as a whole both in the atrocities that were witnessed and the extent of achievement that the warring parties obtained as result of the battles[2].

The battle of Antietam was the first in a series of the civil wars prompted by the famous Maryland campaign. The battle was fought on September 17, 1862. The areas that the battle covered include the Sharpsburg, Maryland and the Antietam.  In fact, the war was the first major American civil war that took place in the Northern soil. The war had far reaching effects to the American armies that were involved in it. It is believed to have led to the highest number of casualties to the army. In the day that the battle took place, there was around 23 000 casualties. More often than not, the battle is recognized as the fiercest of all civil wars that ever occurred in the American history[3].

The relevance of the battle can be attributed to the recorded impact that the battle inflicted to the American people. In fact, the war can be termed as the most catastrophic and the bloodiest of all civil battles that ever occurred in American history.  The importance of the battle can be looked at in two dimensions; first, the impact that the battle had on the soldiers and the impacts of the battle to the state. The general outcome of the battles to the American state is overwhelming. The conflicts that sparked off this war are based on the Maryland Campaign. The final outcome of this war is highly regrettable to the Confederate side. Their retreat from the war is highly regarded as the major factor that led to the success of the Union forces[4].

In the wake of the war, both sides had not officially won. The Union troops managed to halt the procession of the Confederate troops to Washington D.C on that day. This was however, after paying dearly. There was a heavy death and casualty toll inflicted on the Union troops by the Confederate team. The single day battle charted the way for the subsequent battles that followed. The battle was critical in determining the external response and action from powerful nations such as Britain and France. Antietam battle is one very important battle in the history of America.

But for the Union troops ability to stop the advance of the Confederate troops into the Washington D.C, there probably could never have been the proclamation of the famous Emancipation proclamation. In the aftermath of the battle, President Lincoln boldly made the declaration[5]. The declaration can be said to the main reason why the battle is viewed as the most important of the civil battle that ever occurred in the history of America. The battle was a turning point on the chronological account of the future civil wars that were witnessed. Thus the Union troops were able to quell a major threat to the history of America.  Otherwise, this cataclysmic battle would have brought doom in the future of America.

Of most significance about the battle is the declaration that Lincoln made. The implications of the declaration were far reaching upon many people. The declaration had a message of a dawn of new beginning to the Southern slaves. From the date of the declaration, Southern slaves were freed. It also sent the message that the president’s endeavor was to bring about unity upon the Union. The declaration was very critical as its presence clearly spelt brighter days for the United States. It is amazing that the single day battle could yield such unimaginable results. The results largely portray how a war can suddenly alter the direction of a nation. From this war, many lessons about the effects of thorough preparedness can be learnt. Laying emphasis on effective and elaborate techniques in quelling an attack was a major lesson that the two groups learnt[6].

The importance of the Antietam battle overrides the slight scope and intensity of the entire war. The fact that there was no decisive victor can be said to be self defeating and lacking in concrete evidence. The extent of implications in the aftermath of the war is reason enough to dismiss this fact. Never again in the history of American civil wars had there been witnessed such a huge success after a single fight. Antietam battle revealed the potential that America had in protecting its territory from invasion by foreign forces. In fact, it clearly put at bay the nations that were doubtful about its military ability.  For instance, this was the main reason why Britain and France were dissuaded from supporting any of the sides. Thus they were afraid that such a move could spark more atrocious effects to all the sides as well as their sides.

The importance of the war can be said to be immense in spite of its tactful inconclusiveness. The Confederate forces, which were led by General E Lee, were largely outnumbered by the Union forces which were under the command of Major George B. McClellan. McClellan’s failure to act in time even after intelligence conveyed the plans of the impending attack were to blame for nearly losing[7]. He was solely blamed for the poor performance that registered on that day. The failure to claim victory over a considerable smaller troop was also an important lesson for the Union troops and their commanders. This battle was a defining moment for the Union troops who had inflicted such immense loss due to the decisive incompetence of General McClellan. The Generals that followed had a big lesson to derive from this single experience.

Thus Antietam war can be ranked as the most important civil war ever occurred in American history. The battle charted the way for how the subsequent wars were conducted. In fact, the victory that was witnessed in the battles that followed can be said to have been as a result of Antietam battle. The United State had realized the importance being united and being prepared for a future attack. From the experiences of Antietam war was the aspect of proper coordination and organization of the subsequent wars born. In deed, the spirit of proper organization can be seen in the war that followed in the year that followed: the battle of Gettysburg[8].

The battle of Gettysburg can be ranked as the next most important battle that ever occurred in the American civil war history. Its occurrence in the summer of the year 1863 was a very important defining moment for the war. According to the record outcome of the war, there is high level of believe to regard this battle as the essential moment in the history of civil wars. Many Americans have so far come to attribute this war as the main contributor to the ultimate victory in the civil wars.  It is true that the civil wars went on for more than two years. However, the victory that was witnessed in the battle of Gettysburg brought the United State’s forces to the level of believing in their ability and to embark on a final move that would completely claim their victory.

Gettysburg rank as the second most civil war of the three wars that were witnessed in the civil war is due to several reasons. First, the war was an application of the strategies that were developed after almost losing in the battle of Antietam. The battle was a big boost to the Union forces’ ability to stage a successful and a victorious battle. The success witnessed in the battle of Gettysburg was thus a big morale booster to the Union forces. The events of the war transpired on the month of July 1863.  The battle was staged around a city in Mississippi river. The significance of this city is extremely high in the history of America. In fact, the city part of some of the most important historical places in the American history[9].

The battle can be regarded as the period in which the prowess of the militant and the generals that were in charge of the defense affairs of the states. The Union General who organized the war was highly esteemed for the great work he did. The America’s most prestigious of Generals responsible for the victory has become an icon in the history of America. General Winfred Scott is the great soldier responsible for the successful attack on the Confederate forces and eventual victory in the civil wars. The genius plan for the victory was laid on the onset of the battle.

The cleverly planned assault on the Confederate troops is a major determinant of the victory witnessed by the Union forces. The plan was three-pronged. Each of the section was expected to lay an attack in different areas as indicated in the plan. The three groups were expected to lay ambush on the enemy forces by concentrating on the activity allocated. The first group would blockade the South stretching from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico. In so doing, the Confederate forces would find it difficult to launch any successful attack into the Union forces[10].

The second group was expected to simultaneously defend the Washington D.C and at the same time capture the capital of the confederate: Richmond. In so dooming, the enemy would be confused on what to do. The multi attacks and blockage were meant to overwhelm the enemy and confusing the efforts laid in the attacks. The second group’s success in performing their allocated task would eventually make the enemy to retreat in order to save the capital from siege. It is evident from the planned attack that the Union forces had completely advanced in their ability to plan successful unfailing ambush on the enemy. Thus the second line of defense came in hardy in the determination of the victory[11].

The third group would control the entire Mississippi River. The control would cut Texas, Missouri, Arkansas and the Louisiana from the confederate forces. Thus the aforementioned Anaconda plan, as was called had major and critical significance in the witnessed victory in the battle of Gettysburg. From this war, there are great lessons that historians learn. Wars are important historical events that can not be ignored by historians.  This war has a major implication in the formation of the modern American society

The third most important war in this discussion is the battle of Vicksburg. The battle lasted for a period of about ten months.  The battle had been successful to the Union forces as they in staging a major siege to the Confederates forces that had blockaded the Mississippi River. In fact, they had planted batteries on bluffs at Vicksburg and Port Hudson. The batteries that the Confederates had planted had given them an advantage over the Union forces as it was very easy for them to connect between each other. Thus the efforts of the Union to break the connections are highly recognized. The most important person to reckon in this siege is General Grant. He successfully concentrated his forces near the Tallahatchie River which is in the Northern area of Mississippi[12].

The logic behind the concentration of the Union forces in northern area of Mississippi was simply to cut the connection that existed between the various camps of the confederates. By so doing, it would be possible to stop any supplies from reaching the any of the forces who would be weak to fight. The siege of Vicksburg is one of the most recognized victories that were against the strongholds of the Confederates. In this area, they had built such a strong force to quell any siege by the Union forces in whichever way they tried. Thus the intensity of this battle can be said to have been minimal comparing to the other two battles fought in the Gettysburg and the Antietam.

The siege of the Vicksburg is important due to the high-tech organization that was exercised by the general Grant. Important lesson in the history of the war include taking advantage of the enemy whenever it presents itself. In this siege, General Grant took advantage of the confederates by tricking them. They had ceased some of the supplies meant for Union forces. In the experience, General Grant applied a high level of skill and risk. However, the Union forces had organized themselves to strike when the enemy was completely oblivious of the trick. The four corps arrangement of the Grant forces managed to lay such a perfect attack on the Vicksburg leading their eventual win[13].


Antietam battle charted the way forward for the victory of the United States in the civil war. But for the experiences that the Union forces went through in this battle, they could not have been able to understand the nature of a major war. Through this war, they were able to get a clear objective and eventually be able tot face their enemy confederates in the future. It is evident from the experiences of the Antietam battle that there President Lincoln embarked on the quest for stronger unity of the union forces. The battle of the Gettysburg is also important in the history of the United States. Through the battle, the capability of the Generals to execute a plan destined for the victory was tested. In this period, however, the generals did not frustrate the Americans. They developed a plan that eventually led to the victory of the Union forces, marking the end of the Civil war on July 3rd 1863. The battle of Vicksburg is relatively ranked. However, this does not dismiss it as a less war than the other three. The reason fore the ranking is based the level of achievement attained. The Union forces were able to break into the connection that the confederates had formed. However, it is not without having surrendered to the confederates forces. Nevertheless, all the three battles discussed in this research are highly relevant in the history of the United States. These civil wars played a major in charting the way for the modern America.






















[1] Boritt, G. S., The Gettysburg gospel: the Lincoln speech that nobody knows, Simon & Schuster Publishers, 2008

[2] Alexander, Bevin, How the South Could Have Won the Civil War: The Fatal Errors That Led to Confederate Defeat, Three Rivers Press, 2008

[3] McPherson, James M., Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam, Oxford University Press US, 2004

[4] Alexander, 2008

[5] Boritt, 2008

[6] Ibid.

[7] Alexander, 2008

[8] Sears, Stephen W., Gettysburg, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers, 2004

[9] Ibid.

[10] Alexander, 2008

[11] Sears, 2004

[12] Fraser, Mary A., Vicksburg: the battle that won the Civil War, Henry Holt Publishers, 1999

[13] Ibid.

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