Hyperlinks and Websites




Hyperlinks and Websites


Hyperlink Description


This website provides students with the necessary information and tutorials regarding data structures, algorithms and programming concepts. The site provides code snippets for the various programs so that the student can be able to have some practical exercises after reading through the theory. These code snippets are provided in both c++ and java programming languages and thus no one is left out. The site also begins by teaching about simple applications so that the beginners can also find this material useful.


This site is beneficial to computer student as it teaches key computer science topics by incorporating the various subjects into multimedia course material presented in the form of animations. The site arranges the various topics into eight modules. Algorithms are the first to be tackled in the first module, Artificial Intelligence and Data Structures are then taught together in the second module, Machine Architecture and Number Systems are the modules that follow suit. Next in line are the Operating Systems and finally the module pertaining Programming Languages, and Software Engineering. The modules are presented in form of tutorials with interactive components. At the end of each module, there are review questions that help the reader check if he or she has understood the content or material. The multimedia approach and the animations provide an exiting learning environment that is very different from the classroom environment. This creates fun while learning the various topics.


This site provides one with a tutorial on how to set up the necessary hardware components of a computer. It also goes ahead to instruct on the most efficient hardware components to use. These range from the type of monitor; whether C.R.T. or TFT, the various internal components of the CPU to the most efficient mouse or keyboard; these include optical, Bluetooth and many others.


This site is that of an online study community that is made of both students and teachers. These two help each other in identifying problems in the various subjects and offer the best solutions and approaches to these problems. The site also provides material that one can use for more in depth studies and researches. These include online books, journals, case studies, notes etc. however, one set back to this site is that it requires registration. Although the premiums a cheap, it could be a hindrance to most of the students. This internet site provides computer students with the various cheat sheets that can be used for software developing. The site contains modules that are inclusive of programming & scripting languages that serve as beginner courses. These are then followed by the markup languages and query languages modules. The nest modules that follow suit that expound on this knowledge are the libraries and frameworks module. The tutorial then finalizes with the module covering operating systems and version control.


This website by the Google code university provides all the relevant information regarding computing technologies. This information is presented in the form of tutorials and courses. The tutorials are simplified in that they start with the introductory topics through advanced levels. This is a website by the IEEE Communications Society. It provides tutorials of the recorded sessions of the societies sponsored conferences. These conferences provide in-depth discussion to subjects that are relevant to the current technological industry. This will help the student have a more practical knowledge of the current technological systems in use.
The clip art represents a scholar who has successfully completed his studies. It represents the whole reason every student is taking a certain course, which is to complete it successfully. The picture represents a hobby I have, which is reading.



Algorithms and Data Structures. ( 2009). In Algolist network online. Retrieved from

Cheat Sheets for Developers. ( 2008). Devcheatsheets online. Retrieved from

Cramster. (2005). Cramster online. Retrieved from

Gilley, W. S. (2010.). Animations to Assist Learning Some Key Computer Science Topics. Virginia technology. Retrieved from

Google Code University. (2010). GCU. Retrieved from

Online Tutorials from the IEEE Communications Society. ( 2009). Comsoc digital library. Retrieved from

Setting up your own computer system. ( 2008). Tutorial for beginners online. Retrieved from


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