
Research Design.
This study will seek to identify the effects of implementing Electronic Medical Records system on administrative and medical staff. It is a qualitative research that seeks to collect information and data concerning implementation of EMR. A qualitative research will be appropriate in this study, because it will enable a researcher to investigate and get insights into the effects of implementing EMR so as to deliver a comprehensive description. This research attempts to illustrate the current state of hospitals using manual records and the effect of implementing EMR on administrative and medical staff. The transition to EMR corresponds to a paradigm shift for administrative and medical staff, both in terms of the design of clinical processes and management of patient information. The process of transitioning will entail not only the process transformations intrinsic in the use of a new system, but also the procedural and technical training. It will also lead to changes in the roles of administrative and medical staff.
EMR refers to the office system of administrative and medical staff used in the management of patients’ records. The effect on administrative and professional staff is the change in terms of the establishment of new responsibilities for the security, use, and disclosure of medical information (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, 2004).
The research will also use both exploratory and descriptive research methods in performing the research. Descriptive analysis is a technique utilized in acquiring data relating to the present status of a phenomenon or issue. It is used to describe what is there within the conditions or variables of a situation. In this research, the descriptive analysis tools that will be used are observations, questionnaires, and surveys.
The questionnaire will be used to ask research participants questions relating to their views on the use of EMR and their failure or success in a hospital environment. The researcher also will observe the behavior of administrative and professional staff while using EMR. The data obtained from the questionnaires and observations will be evaluated using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. This will give the researcher first hand information that will be used to formulate direct and clear recommendations and conclusion for this research.
Exploratory analysis is used in generating information to elucidate issues that have not yet been defined, or having an unclear scope. It enables a researcher to get acquainted with the issue under study to promote the development of hypotheses and insights. The current study is an exploratory analysis, since it seeks to identify the effects of implementing Electronic Medical Records system on administrative and medical staff. The researcher will utilize existing literature from specialized journals, reports, articles, and professional literature to substantiate his or her observation and produce a preliminary report on the research issue.
Secondary data will be obtained from documents through a process of screening that will use keywords to search for general or precise information from databases, collections, files, and documents. Secondary data will also be sought from public and private sector sources such as studies, reports, organizational manuals, and publications. The collection of secondary data will facilitate the completed research to depend upon the views and experiences of other people in real-life situations. It is expected that this data will enable the researcher to evaluate and interpret data in comparative and normative terms so as to address the issue under study (Fulmer, 2009).

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. (2004, September). Transitioning to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Retrieved September 11, 2010, from
Fulmer, K. (2009). EMR and EHR system implementation best practices-part 3-research methodology. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from—Part-3—Research-Methodology&id=3415197

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