Shakespeare on Film





Shakespeare on Film


In literature, there are varying definitions on what kind of stories make up a tragedy and what makes up a comedy. In a tragedy, there are always tragic scenes most that constitute pain and death of characters at the end. In a comedy setting however, the play is largely light hearted and with a happy conclusion. Shakespeare has long incorporated either of the two in most of his plays and in the cases of “Othello” and “Much Ado about Nothing”, the same has been observed.

Part 1: Tragedy and comedy in the character of the villains

Firstly, similar characteristics that have been seen as prevalent in both villain characters according to Shakespeare’s plot setting. For instance, both are highly aggressive, manipulative and have a particular need to impart evil. On the other hand, they constantly use the insecurities of the characters in the play in ruining their lives and have no particular motives as to why they do what they do. The two plays nonetheless, have different attributes contributing to the tragic and comic elements in the play. These plays reach different conclusions mainly due to the duping the characters in the play have gone through from these villains.

Lago is generally manipulative and fits the context of a true Shakespeare villain. The play shows appreciation to his clever tricks and his crafty mind. He however does not appear as a compelling villain, at least not as much as the tragic ending of the play expected. The Othello play ends in the death of characters hence that could make it a tragedy. On the other hand however, Shakespeare’s motive in making the villain so thin per say, could indicate that despite the sad ending, the play was not fully intended to be a tragedy in the first place. In addition, the ending of the play is somewhat unexpected as Lago runs away from punishment and is seen to reconsider his ways.

In “Much Ado about Nothing”,theplay has numerous comic scenes and an unlikely ending whereby all characters live despite the disruptions of the villain. Surprisingly however, Don John’s character as a villain in this case is much more compelling than what is observed in the Lago’s. He has so much envy towards his half brother’s authority, the extent, and the constant reference to him as “bastard”creates an even deeper resentment. Shakespeare has therefore succeeded in giving this character a sullen character despite the genre being of a comic nature.

Part 2: Representation of Marriage

Marriage in “Othello” play has incorporated and portrayed large amounts of deceit, unfaithfulness, jealousy, lack of trust and pain. First, Lago’s attraction to Othello, which makes him jealous of Desdemona despite him being married already, questions their relationship. In the process, Lago puts a handkerchief at the side of Cassio making her look as a cheating wife. This shows that Lagos has no respect for Emilia, his wife, as he is busy disrupting another marriage to gain the attention of Othello. Secondly, Othello finding out about his wife’s cheating and resorting to killing her is a sign of distrust between them. Likewise, Lago killing Emilia shows that he has no interest in protecting his marriage in the first place. All this happens due to lies and creates the perfect environment for an existing tragedy in the play due to the unfortunate conclusions.

Marriage in “Much Ado about Nothing”, is by itself a play that tells a story of a woman who was accused falsely of being unchaste. Shakespeare here portrays that in the play, marriage and lovers were only appropriate within a matrimonial context. The character here such as Benedick claims to be untouched by love as him and Beatrice continues with a relationship that they believe is not based on love. Similarly, the constant references to Don John as a “Bastard” show that the concept of marriage and children outside wedlock is critical. Generally, in this play, Shakespeare put much more emphasis on the importance and chastity of marriage making the play les tragic hence more comical.  

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