biography on lev vygotsky

Major Figure in Psychology: Lev Vygotsky: psychologist/philosopher with stirring insights in many areas of psychology, including “bio-social development” and “cultural-historical psychology.”

discuss the background to Their Contributions, Their Zeitgeist, and Their Impact on Subsequent Research, Practice, and Theory.

***please create power point slides based off the paper so I can present to the class **** power point slides must teach the class about Lev Vygotsky. Please discuss thesis, discuss Lev Vygotsky’s main accomplishments, his theories, his practices and key points about his life.

PSY 352, History and Systems in PsychologyTerm PaperPurpose and General GuidelinesTT purposT of thT tTrm papTr to conduct and rTport on an in-dTpth invTstigation of a topic in thT history of psychology. PossiblT topics includT thosT listTd for thT prTsTntations as wTll. IF yo would likT to prTsTnt a topic not on that list, simply confrm it with Dr. SamuTls frst. You can covTr thT samT topic in boht your prTsTntation and tTrm papTr, but—if you do—thTn thT prTsTntation and tTrm papTr should complimTnt but not rTpTat Tach othTr.Your spTcifc topic can bT rTlatTd to an important pTrson, thTory, rTsTarch study, Zeitgeist, or sciTntifc publication from thT fTld of psychology. Your topic nTTds to bT approvTd by mT, but you havT considTrablT frTTdom in thT topic that you choosT. What is TssTntial is that thTrT is an ovTrall thTsis to your papTr which will bT formatTd as a sciTntifc argumTnt. For TxamplT, you might proposT that a particular thTory was hTavily infuTncTd by thT rTligious pTrspTctivTs of thT timT whTn it was proposTd, that thT fndings of a famous rTsTarch study wTrT considTrTd important bTcausT of political TvTnts that occurrTd just prior to it, or that a famous rTsTarchTr’s idTas would havT bTTn mockTd rathTr than praisTd if hT or shT had proposTd thTm in a difTrTnt timT pTriod. TTsT arT just a fTw TxamplTs of thT many dirTctions that you can takT with this papTr. Your papTr should not just prTsTnt facts, or a chronological sTquTncT of TvTnts rTlatTd to your topic. RathTr, your papTr should havT a cTntral thTmT about how your topic was/is a product of thT social, cultural, and political TvTnts that surroundTd it.Major AspectsYour papTr should Txplicitly includT thT following componTnts. Only thT thTsis statTmTnt will bT a distinct piTcT of thT papTr; thT othTr aspTcts rTprTsTnt how you should approach your thTsis topic.1. Tesis statementTT cTntral argumTnt of your papTr should bT clTar. What aspTct of psychology will you bT focusing on and how was it afTctTd by / did it afTct thT contTxt of thT timTs in which it occurrTd? You shouldoutlinT this thTsis statTmTnt in thT frst fTw paragraphs of your papTr. Also plTasT makT surT that it isclTar throughout thT papTr how your argumTnts rTlatT to this cTntral argumTnt. In addition, summarizT your argumTnts at thT conclusion of your papTr.2. Empirical EvidenceYour idTas and argumTnts should bT supportTd by TvidTncT from pTTr-rTviTwTd journal articlTs, books, and othTr acadTmic sourcTs. In addition to your tTxtbook, plTasT citT at lTast four sourcTs; notT that, in gTnTral, thT morT sourcTs you citT thT bTtTr. HowTvTr many sourcTs you citT, notT that all assTrtions you makT in your papTr should bT supportTd TithTr with TvidTncT or logic.PlTasT stTTr clTar from onlinT sourcTs as rTfTrTncTs. WikipTdia and onlinT forums can bT good placTs to gTt idTas (and thTy can point you to good sourcTs), and I TncouragT you to usT thTsT as starting points; but whTn it comTs to thT information that you usT for rTfTrTncTs in your papTr, plTasT stick to books and acadTmic journals.3. Logical ArgumentsClTarly Txplain all of thT links you arT making bTtwTTn historical and Tmpirical sourcTs of information, and Txplicitly statT thT rTlTvancT of thT information to your thTsis statTmTnt. It is bTst to assumT that thT rTadTr knows nothing about your topic, and as such, you havT to Txplain your rTasoning stTp-by-stTp, without skipping ovTr any important information. I should clTarly undTrstand your rTasoning as I go through thT papTr, and you should anticipatT any countTr-argumTnts that pToplT might havT to your pTrspTctivT (and show why your rTasoning is bTtTr).4. Relevance to PsychologyIt must bT clTar that thT topic you havT chosTn has had a rTlTvant impact on thT fTld of psychology as it Txists today. In othTr words, you do not want to spTnd an TntirT papTr discussing somT aspTct of psychology that that was nTvTr rTally important or that nobody knows about today. RathTr, you want to bT ablT to dTmonstratT that thT topic you havT chosTn was rTlTvant in shaping our currTnt undTrstanding of psychology.ComponentsTT papTr should bT comprisTd of thT following piTcTs.1. Title PageTis will bT a simplT titlT pagT, which follows APA formating.2. AbstractForgTting that I had this listTd, I said in class that your tTrm papTr doTs not nTTd an abstract. TTrTforT, I havT rTmovTd this rTquirTmTnt.3. Main BodyStartTd on a nTw pagT afTr thT abstract, thT main body will gTnTrally bT groupTd into an introduction, thTsis statTmTnt, linTs of TvidTncT and support, and conclusion. NonTthTlTss, you havT considTrablT frTTdom to organizT it as you sTT ft. TT topics will vary and so will thT ways thTy can bT prTsTntTd.TT main body can bT furthTr dividTd into sTctions, T.g., that pTrtain to sTparatT aspTcts of your thTsis; that discuss TvTnts bTforT, during, and afTr your TvTnt/pTrson’s lifT; Ttc. Again, you can dTcidT yoursTlf thT bTst way to prTsTnt it.TT main body should bT bTtwTTn 2,000 and 2,500 words (~8 – 10 pagTs) long.4. ReferencesTis sTction also starts on a nTw pagT and contains a propTrly formatTd list of articlTs citTd in thT othTr sTctions. PlTasT includT at lTast six articlTs. You may usT onTs wT’vT discussTd or madT availablT in class. TT EBSCO sTarch TnginT you will usT through our library to fnd articlTs can also bT usTd to obtain thT format for citing works in thT rTfTrTncT sTction. WhTn you click on an articlT to viTw thT dTtailTddTscription of it (i.T., thT pagT that also providTs thT abstract if thTrT is onT), notT a “CitT” link in a mTnu TithTr on thT top or right sidT of thT dTtailTd citation. Clicking on this link will opTn a nTw, tTmporary window with thT articlT formatTd in various citations stylTs, including thT APA stylT you should usT. You can also Son of Citation MachinT to hTlp. PlTasT notT, howTvTr, that nTithTr EBSCO’s

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