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            One of the moments I was highly motivated was when I passed my high school examinations, for which I had been studying over several months. The achievement gave me further motivation to complete my coursework. I was also highly motivated when I got my first job after I sent applications for more than three months. I was driven to work hard, and to gain skills and experience that would propel me towards achieving my career goals. I was also motivated by a speech given by a professional during a business seminar. The address centered on making the right choices in life and career. The presentation also enhanced my sense of self-confidence towards making decisions on my aspirations in life.

            My motivation dwindled after I started on a business unit that was more challenging than I thought. The difficulty arose from the fact that the new concepts took more time to grasp than I expected. In another instance, I had low motivation because I possessed a poor work-life balance, which affected my sense of well-being and satisfaction with my job. The poor equilibrium was a result of a rigid and unpredictable working schedule, which prevented me from carrying out other important personal responsibilities. I also experienced some financial challenges that significantly diminished my motivation. These monetary difficulties affected my ability to achieve a decent standard of living and a sense of security for the future.

Work-Related Rewards

Good pay: A well-paying job offers opportunities for me to enhance my living standards, care for my dependents, and achieve a sense of financial security.

Pleasant working conditions: An enjoyable work environment is essential for not only increasing job satisfaction but also ensuring high efficiency and productivity (Greenberg, 1999).

Promotion opportunities: Opportunities to advance in a career are essential for employees to ensure they do not stagnate in the same position over an extended period. For employers, it guarantees that they retain their workers on a long-term basis.

Flexible schedule: A flexible work schedule is critical to developing a healthy work-life balance. Accommodating programs enhance employee engagement while reducing absenteeism (Greenberg, 1999).

Interesting work: Interesting work is essential to enhancing motivation and commitment by employees. It is in itself a factor that contributes significantly towards maintaining a self-motivated workforce.


a). Some of the common factors that contribute to low motivation include a lack of recognition and rewards for employees who deliver exceptional results. Low enthusiasm can also be caused by poor, unhealthy, or unsafe working conditions that potentially expose employees to health risks. A common factor contributing to enhanced motivation is increased benefits such as health insurance coverage, work flexibility, and vacation days. Another factor is improved channels of communication, which provides an opportunity for employees to air their concerns and challenges.

b). The theories that have influenced this response are the Two-Factor Theory of Motivation and the Hawthorne effect, which outline the essential factors that contribute to workplace motivation. The Two-Factor Theory of Motivation works by improving the motivator and hygiene factors. The Hawthorne effect centers on a keen observation of worker’s needs (Greenberg, 1999). In essence, employees become genuinely engaged with their employers if the staff knows that their concerns are taken into account.

c). My co-workers value preferences that are similar to workplace rewards. While it can be challenging to attain these benefits, it is possible to ensure that there are opportunities to communicate with the employer. The rewards can be attained by encouraging the employer to develop a more inclusive reward system.


Greenberg, J. (1999). Managing behavior in organizations. Upper Saddle River., NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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